My fic sweet spots for this trope: slave!sam or jared, anti-slavery!dean or jensen, hurt/comfort, trauma recovery, and equal power dynamics re: romance
For epubs of my rec'd fic from livejournal or dreamwidth, here
Let 's get started! 🤗 ❤️
- Gen
My Throat is An Open Grave by inkandpaperqwerty. 52k, Gen, Teen+.Summary: Dean didn't get paid nearly enough for the job he did. Seriously. Using the money he had set aside for his missing brother to purchase Lucifer's Prom Dress from a monster auction, and then traveling halfway across the country with Heaven and Hell's most coveted weapon riding shotgun had to be worth more than credit card fraud could provide. And if that wasn't bad enough, the Boy with the Demon Blood just had to be named Sam, didn't he?
Sam didn't get paid enough, either, but he was significantly less picky than Dean. He just wanted a family, a place to call home, a chance to find out what hug was like, and maybe a break from the constant nightmares. If that was too much to ask, he would understand, seeing as he was a stupid, disobedient, demon-blooded monster who disappointed every owner he had. Just one thing, then? Maybe? Just an older brother to get in between him and the monsters and pain and nightmares; one who would sometimes, if Sam was a very good boy, call him Sammy and give him hugs.
Yeah, that would be nice. That would be more than enough for Sam.
My thoughts: ohhhh this story was so well done, from Dean growing more compassionate and Sam less fearful in a lovely slow burn, all culminating in so much angst released by tender love and affection 😭🥰🥰🥰angels and omegas (AO3) by fogsrollingin. Rated R, Dean & Cas, gen or pre-slash, 5k words. Summary: In a post-apocalyptic world of nomadic angels and territorial alphas that brought draconian law and omega slavery back into practice soon after the Rapture, Dean is a collared omega forced to work at Chicago 's Navy Pier. Castiel is the angel that saves him.
my thoughts on me: Self-reccies! I honestly just love the last emotional punch of this story - I was tearing up writing it. I hope it hits you in the feels too! 👍Semper Familia series by KatZen (AO3). Rated PG-13, Gen, 130k. Summary: When his dad comes back into the clearing with a scrawny kid he 's just bought in tow, Dean isn 't surprised. He knows Lilim aren 't human, that they 're creatures, like witches or wendigo. But the kid that John 's got by the arm, who 's pulled as far away from Dean 's dad as possible without actually trying to get his arm back, the kid whose eyes don 't leave John and are bright with fear, the kid who looks like he hasn 't eaten in a couple of days and is obviously favoring his left leg… The kid looks an awful lot like a person. And what 's more, he 's the same age Sammy would have been.
my thoughts: Tremendous fic that pulls at your heart while keeping an interesting plot moving. Great world building here as well! Also features psychic Sam. I haven 't read it but a similar gen fic to Semper Familia comes highly recommended where it 's Dean as the hurt abused slave character: Bait by Maz Kazama, not available online anymore afaik rn. If you 'd like a copy, shoot me a message for the epub 👍 - Wincest
The Passenger by roxymissrose. Explicit, Sam/Dean, 68k words. Summary: This is a post-plague curtain fic. Dean Winchester, an MoL errand boy and a bit of a rogue, meets Sam, a hot-tempered and mouthy skinwalker—and illegal slave. Of course, Dean can't let that stand, so cue the rescue, over the mountains and away. They find themselves trapped in a cabin over the long, long season of climate-changed winter. One handsome hunter, one angry 'walker. However will they survive?
Just devoured this fic inside of one night. AMAZING. It ticked so many of my boxes, specifically slave!Sam with that fascinating engaging personality dichotomy between vicious and vulnerable, then Sam and animal transformation - I was so thrilled to find out what his skinwalker beast turned out to be. This was a brilliant fic, and also excellent world-building. Also added to my animal transformations reclist and my multifandom monster fuckers reclist.Freak Camp: A Monster by Any Other Name series by Brosedshield, LaviniaLavender, whereupon (AO3). Rated NC-17, Dean/Sam (unrelated AU), 655k. Summary: Our story takes several steps away from canon. Dean Winchester is an only child. Mary died November 2nd, 1983, but neither in a fire nor on the ceiling. Five-year-old Sam is deported to a concentration camp for monsters. But the core remains the same. This is a love story.
Listed in my top favorite SPN fics ever. This slavery fic breaks you (Part 2) and then builds you back up piece by piece (Part Three). It 's a 655k epic that 's been going for about 10 years by the authors. It earns every word. It 's an incredible story of abuse, recovery, rehabilitation, independence and eventually love/romance. I 've reread Part Three several times. Chapter 25 is one of my favorite Christmas stories . An end of an era with this fic matches Supernatural 's own announcement that season 15 will be its last I 'm not crying you 're crying. This fic is included in my rape recovery reclistThe Winning Scenario by brimstonegold and virtualpersonal (AO3). Rated R, Dean/Sam (unrelated AU), 216k words. Summary: Disguised as a merchant during an information gathering mission on a gaming and pleasure station, Captain Dean hits the jackpot. Surprised to learn his winnings include a night with a pleasure slave, he is ready to reject the slave's services until he learns that the slave is human. There is no way he will leave one of his kind behind, no way. The pleasure slave, Sam, has his own secrets. Cylon torture and conditioning to make him a suitable commodity for the slave trade has left him with half memories, nightmares and psychological problems. If he knew Dean was a colonial warrior, there is no way he would leave with Dean and no way he would go anywhere near Dean's destination, the Battlestar Galactica.
my thoughts: So this is a crossover with Battlestar Galactica but honestly you don 't need to know anything about that show to roll with the scifi in this story. It 's a fantastic opening premise and a great read! This fic can be found in my Winchesters... IN SPACE! and movie fusions reclists.Prime series by Meus_Venator (AO3). Rated NC-17, Dean/Sam (unrelated AU), 91k. Summary: In a cruel and capricious society where slavery is the norm, first born children or Primes become masters, all younger siblings become slaves or Secs at the age of sixteen. Second born son, Sam Winchester, has evaded his fate and helped others do the same while attending college and living as a Ghost, but his luck has just run out.
my thoughts: Prime is chock full of explicit torture for both Sam & Dean and less comfort than I crave but there are so many compelling moments in this fic that 're seared into my brain because they were written so well. There 's just enough comfort and hope to pull me through: in the car, buying Sam new clothes, taking Sam to the hospital, and later a traumatized!Dean scene in a limo that I might 've shed tears over.It was on Sale by HazelDomain (AO3). Rated NC-17, Dean/Sam, Dean/Sam/Cas, Sam/Cas (unrelated AU), 131k words. Summary: Dean's been hunting solo ever since his dad died, and he knows damn well he's running on borrowed time. The simple solution was to buy a slave, someone who could watch his back and help with the heavy lifting. The man he finds is young, healthy, obedient, and inexplicably cheap. And that's just the beginning. Dean figured he'd deal with the catch when he found it, but he's a little busy with screaming ghosts, crazy doctors, lying housewives, geeky witches, sociopathic plutocrats, mind melds, celebratory pie, surprise blowjobs, and oh yeah, a surly angel.
This story was intense and compelling. In particular I remember the sense of equality and trust built up and developed between Sam and Dean over time and during cases was super satisfying. Also the just ending rocked my world! This fic is included in my rape recovery reclist tooMoon-kissed by fogsrollingin (AO3). Rated R, unrelated Sam/Dean, 27k words. Summary: Leviathans led a successful global assault on humanity twenty years ago. The resistance is made up of surviving humans and Luna-borne creatures such as weres. Dean, a Marrow Pack werewolf, runs missions to take down leviathan strongholds and rescue those imprisoned and enslaved there. On this particular mission, Dean is shocked to discover one of the young slaves is a werecat, a species so rare that most weres thought them extinct.
my thoughts on me: I wrote this! I 'm really proud of it. I edited it a bit so there 's a genfic version of it too: ao3.org/works/20381716. This fic is included in my animal transformations reclist 👍 - J2
Rattling Your Locks by cherie_morte (LJ). Rated NC-17, Jensen/Jared. 50k. Summary: AU: Born into slavery, Jared has been trained and used as a pleasure slave ever since he was a teenager. Rare and coveted because of his Alpha status, Jared has always sold to the richest and often cruelest of masters.
His new master, the young but ruthless CEO of TradeMark Entertainment, Jensen Ackles, seems no different. At least, not until Jared stops to wonder what a consummate Alpha male like Ackles would want with another Alpha as his pleasure slave. Things only get more confusing when Jared arrives at his new master's home and finds that there are no other slaves. He soon learns that Ackles freed all of his father's slaves when he inherited them and has been a vocal supporter and patron of anti-slavery groups since. Jared doesn't know how to reconcile this knowledge with his master's outward coldness, but the more he learns about Ackles, the less he seems to fit into the assumptions that Jared has made about him.
my thoughts: Normally I don 't go for alpha!Jared but this was an amaaaazing story. The development Jensen and Jared 's characters, the progress they made with each other, was terrific. A few times the events in the story had me take pause but at the end of the day I really liked how sketchy and gray and conflicted everybody was when it came to that reconciliation aspect mentioned in her summary. Just a really fantastic and wonderfully long read! This fic 's been rec 'd in my noncon wincest reclistChoices by hunters_retreat (AO3). Rated NC-17. Jensen/Jared, 25k. Summary: Jensen Ackles was a man on the run. Sure, his name was revered by the Sentient Android Rights Movement, but he was just another face in a sea of J-N_S56s. He had won his freedom in a court of law, but his previous Mistress and Master cared little for the law. Jensen had been on the run for almost ten years and he 'd stayed free because he was smart and kept to himself. When Jensen met Jared, he tossed him out the door as soon as he could. Jared wasn 't pushed away so easily though. Jared came back but unfortunately, so did Jensen 's former mistress. On the run with Jared at his side, Jensen struggles with his emotions, and the fear that his programming might be taking over. Jared is far more tempting than anything Jensen has ever faced. How can he keep them both safe when he 's fighting with himself while on the run from the people who want to put him back in a gilded cage?
my thoughts: I 'm normally all about Jared or Sam whump but I can 't get enough of android AUs and this fic was fantastic. I loved the conceptual work hunters_retreat did here with the psychology of ‘battling ' one 's programming once Jensen achieved sentience. I also enjoyed how caring, sympathetic, supportive Jared 's character was portrayed: if he 's not the one getting whumped, at least he 's portrayed as a well-meaning, gentle soul.