My Favorite SPN Fics

Before you dig in, a few things: first, the fics recommended below are included in every appropriate themed reclist. Second, my general spn fic sweet spots are Sam Dean hugs and cuddles, fantasy AUs, dystopias, and hurt Sam/comforting Dean dynamic.
Now let 's get started! 🤗 ❤️


Great Blue World series by vailkagami (AO3). Rated NC-17, Gen, 269k. Summary: A man wakes up in a ruined wasteland, without memories, without a name, without knowing the strange guy who claims to once have been an angel, or that he once had a little brother. All he knows is that the world is dying, everyone is lying to him, and that somehow, somewhere, something went terribly wrong. Because someone said Yes when they should have said No, and someone else paid the price.
my thoughts: I think this might be the most bleak and violent dystopia AU I've ever read yet I'm recommending it because there was so much love and affection in it at the same time. There aren't many words for how intense this fic is. My eyes were watering and hands a bit shaky when I finished. You 'll be shattered to the soul by the end of this fic. This fic was included in my rape recovery reclist as well as my desolate post-apocalypse reclist .

My Hellhound by CeCe Away ( Rated PG, Gen, 18k. Summary: Hot breath blew the hair up off his neck. Hellhound. Out of everything in the pit, he hated them the most. Hurt!Sam Heroic!Protective!Dean to the Rescue.
my thoughts: One of the most inventive and entertaining depictions of hell I've read and Sam adopts a pet hellhound . Add a great plot and brotherly love and you've got a winner in my books. This is story is also in my hell exploration reclist .

Terms and Conditions by UnabashedBird (AO3). Rated PG-13, Gen, 3.5k. Summary: Sam embraces his powers, but the way he uses them isn't exactly what the demons had in mind.
my thoughts: This is the most cathartic fix-it fic ever for Sam fangirls. If you had Sam's back during seasons 4 re: getting powers & drinking demon blood like me (as in, I thought it was the right call, read my take here), then you're going to love this fic. It reverses the "Sam's-always-wrong" narrative of canon & flips the table, making it clear that if Sam had been more confident in himself & if he'd never had Dean dragging him down delaying him in taking advantage of his powers, everything would've turned out better than it ever did in canon. Bonus points that Sam gets lots of puppers ( pet hellhounds ) to love (and who love him back)... and the brothers' relationship ends on a good note (so smiles all around). This is story is also in my hell exploration reclist and in my demon!dean or demon!sam fic recs

Gifts by Muffy Morrigan ( Rated PG, Gen, 90k. Summary: Dean discovers sometimes the greatest sacrifices aren't that big after all, and the smallest gifts can make all the difference. Hurt!Sick Sam
my thoughts: If you were looking for some of the most wholesome hurt Sam/comforting Dean, you've come to the right place. This story is charmingly detailed about nearly every element of caring for a loved one with an illness/disability. And it has a happy ending to boot (none of my recs have unhappy endings though to be fair, haha). Also they get a kitten as a little companion animal pet while he's rehabbing and it's adorable

House of Burden by Maygin ( Rated PG-13, Gen, 78k. Summary: Within its walls lives a family that has never been touched by hate, fire or the Supernatural… but for one.
my thoughts: Where the Winchesters remained a wholesome family in the suburbs and Sam is the only one who grows to realize there's a darker side to the world around them. So much Sam angst! With a happy ending! And a gargoyles case fic (which is why it 's in my case fics reclist )! What more could a fangirl want? Teenchesters fic, & definitely counts as a bizarre AU too!

Wyoming series by aceofhearts61 (AO3). Rated PG-13, queerplatonic Sam+Dean, 78k. Summary: Sam, Dean, and Castiel have retired from hunting and live together in Wyoming. They're happy.
my thoughts: This is like the curtain fic to end all curtain fics for me... and I've read and loved a ton of curtain fics. I genuinely want to get married or have a home in Wyoming now because of this damn series, lol. Traumatized!Sam is harrowing. He gets a service dog tho! This fic was listed in my love letter to location fic recs post.

A City Sorrow Built by Phreakycat ( Rated PG, Gen, 4.9k. Summary: In which Sam cries in his sleep a lot and Dean tries to fix it. Some angst, some humor, and more schmoop than is probably healthy.
my thoughts: This is such a funny then undeniably adorable fic written from Dean's perspective knowing Sam needs a good cry while he's awake enough to process it. The hilarious "oh no, there's only one bed!" trope pops up in the most adept way (but things stay platonic) thanks to the talented author. This fic is featured in my touch starvation fic recs

Illusions by Kyriebess ( Rated PG-13, Gen, 9k. Summary: Sam gets attacked by a rare creature who is trying to scare him to death. Fortunately, there's a small but slightly awkward loophole in the creature's spell that may help the brothers defeat her.
my thoughts: I loved this story so much because the rules of the monster in this case fic were crafted to brilliantly showcase insight into how the brothers feel about each other.... much to their embarrassment and delight depending on the brother. She's a fantastic author all around. If ya like this fic, should check out my case fics reclist

From the Darkness by K Hanna Korossy. Rated PG-13, Gen, 8k. Summary: He was terrified. This wasn't what I'd signed up for. Outsider POV.
my thoughts: Definitely one of the best outsider POVs I've read. This author has quite a few other Outsider POVs too and they're all incredible.

In Reverse by Sodakey (FFnet). Rated PG-13, Gen, 148k. Summary: After Faith, a job has the boys looking for missing hikers in Wyoming. While Sam worries it 's connected to what happened to Dean ten years ago, Dean wonders if Sam would be better off back in the world of normal.
my thoughts: A fantastic read especially if you're new to fanfiction and looking for something similar to canon but deeper. This is a superbly written case fic (and thus included in my casefic reclist ) that takes a long time to resolve while exploring so many aspects of Sam & Dean's characters and personal histories. Also I love fics that feature Sam's Stanford friends meeting him as a hunter.

Blind, But Now I See by Kyriebess (FFnet). Rated PG-13, Gen, 34k. Summary: Short story where Sam gets a clear revelation about how special Dean is compared to other brothers. Then he tries to thank Dean for it, much to Dean's dismay, while they finish the ghost hunt. Sam POV, hurt!Sam, protective!Dean, minor hurt!Dean
my thoughts: This fic explores and showcases my favorite framing of the brothers' relationship I've ever read; how both of them needed and depended on each other growing up and it wasn't a one-way burden on Dean to have to be there for Sam. It's a great case fic too (& therefore, it is included in my case fics reclist !)


Freak Camp: A Monster by Any Other Name series by Brosedshield, LaviniaLavender, whereupon (AO3). Rated NC-17, Sam/Dean (unrelated AU), 655k. Summary: Our story takes several steps away from canon. Dean Winchester is an only child. Mary died November 2nd, 1983, but neither in a fire nor on the ceiling. Five-year-old Sam is deported to a concentration camp for monsters. But the core remains the same. This is a love story.
my thoughts: This story breaks you (Part 2) and then builds you back up piece by piece (Part Three). It's a 655k epic that's been going for about 10 years by the authors. It earns every word. It's an incredible story of abuse, recovery, rehabilitation, independence and eventually love/romance. I've reread Part Three several times. Chapter 25 is one of my favorite Christmas stories . An end of an era with this fic matches Supernatural's own announcement that season 15 will be its last I'm not crying you're crying. If you like this fic and could dig more like it, feel free to check out my reclist of slave!fics . Also my rape recovery reclist .

Courting Death by theproblematique (AO3). Rated R, Dean/Sam (never met AU), 50k. Summary: Sam Winchester lived the first six months of his life in a happy family; the next twelve years as John Winchester's only son, and the last decade as an orphan. He's supposed to die at twenty-two trying to save the woman he loves from a fire, because he doesn't have a brother to pull him back. But the night Sam meets his Reaper he discovers that Death is overly fond of pop-culture references, too beautiful to be real, and reluctant to kill him.
my thoughts: I love this alternate universe where Dean's this ( amnesiac ) wise-cracking reaper that reluctantly develops a fondness for a piteous Sam that turns out to be significant beyond expectations in the best way possible for a love story narrative.

Catching Hell series by ADeedWithoutaName (AO3). Rated R, Wincest (unrelated), 244k. Summary: Sam Winchester is, perhaps, the greatest asset to the hunting community. His research, advice, and insight has reached countless hunters and solved innumerable mysteries. His life is solitary, but useful. That changes, however, with the delivery of a captured Knight of Hell who calls himself Dean.
my thoughts: One of the best demon!Dean stories ever in my opinion. I 'm a sucker for Sam as a lonely researcher in a dystopic AU (in which case check out Treasure by sonofabiscuit77 in my Zombie AUs reclist. The first story builds a rich world and a sympathetic, solitary Sam Winchester who clearly needs someone to love him. I can 't wait to read the sequel when it 's finished! If you like this fic and want more, check out my Demon!Dean reclist !

Instinct by NixBlaque (AO3). Rated NC-17, Sam/Dean (unrelated), 30k. Summary: When Dean Winchester finds a dog chained up and caged on a routine demon hunt, he and Bobby see no other option than to take him along for the ride. The last thing that either of them expect is the realisation that the dog is more than just a dog, a discovery which rocks Dean 's world to its very axis. Everything his father has ever told him says that anything that 's not human needs to be killed, but confronted by a shapeshifter named Sam who has managed to work his way straight into Dean 's heart, his instincts say otherwise. Warnings for: Non brother au, brief descriptions of torture, explicit m/m sex, demons, violence and copious amounts of angst.
my thoughts: This story is among my favorites of the animal transformation/shape-shifting tropes. I love dogs just for how affectionate they can be so transforming SPN characters into canine unabashed cuddlebugs is a sweet spot for me. For more stories with this or similar tropes, check out my animal transformations reclist !

Captured by the Game by Rivkat (AO3). Rated NC-17, Dean/Sam (I forgot if related or not in this), 54k. Summary: AU. Azazel has given his favorite son a task: worm his way into the confidence of a hunter. It sounds simple, but Dean Winchester just might be more than Sam can handle.
my thoughts: A kind of feral!Sam story with a reluctant Dean that can't help but care and trust. This premise and well-executed story development plus angsty suspenseful characterization... it all had me zipping through this story so fast! Totally loved it.

Summer Film Festival of Death by OldToadWoman. NC-17, Sam/Dean, 127k words. Summary: Sam's point of view as he and Dean go on a hunt at a Florida movie theater where a person has died at every Saturday matinee for a month. They are short on clues leaving them an excessive amount of time to watch movies and drink booze and there's nothing to distract Sam from his increasingly inappropriate thoughts about his brother.(Per the prompt, this fic contains spilled popcorn and Winchesters clinging together watching a scary movie. As a bonus, this fic also contains Winchesters in various stages of dress and undress in the Florida heat. "Your un-flannelled Kansas ass needs sunscreen.")
my thoughts: season 11 setting, Sam and Dean as mature consenting adults, sweet loving huggy cuddly slow burn romance during an interesting/quirky case of movie-based murders, brilliant atmospheric detail (muggy Florida, outrun movie theater aesthetics, hot motel rooms). I am SO HAPPY to have found this fic. One of the best I 've read in awhile. And so long! 127k WOO! Also yay fake/pretend relationship trope ! Also included in my love letter to location fic reclist


Tails by keep_waking_up (AO3). Rated NC-17, Jensen/Jared, 67k. Summary: Jared couldn 't imagine the kitsunes had ever lived without the werefoxes to look down on and this was just another example of it. Jared Padalecki is a homicide detective for the werefox police, up until the kitsune police department decides to recruit him as their ‘Fox Consultant. There is nothing Jared wants less than having to work with the kitsunes, but he doesn 't have much of a choice. Of course, on the first day of his new job, one of the city supervisors is murdered and an official from the US government is flown in to handle it—one Jensen Ackles, an eight-tailed Heaven kitsune. Jared isn 't sure what 's going on, but he just wants to lay low and stay out of trouble. Unfortunately, fate—and Jensen—have other plans.
my thoughts: This is literally my all-time favorite RPF fic I 've ever read. The world build - werefoxes and kitsunes omg SUCH cute imagery - and then the characterizations: Jensen 's both haughty and kind, Jared sympathetic but wary. And they have to work together to solve a murder! It 's like all these amazing elements jam-packed into one story, how?!!? Anyway, go read it. It 's incredible. For more stories with this or similar tropes, check out my animal transformations reclist !