Love Letters to Location
This fic reclist is a bit more of a spotlight on three specific fics that I adore in part because the authors really drove home the magic of these locations. I love hurt!Sam (or Jared), comforting!Dean or Jensen, horror, action, and mystery.
For epubs of rec 'd fanfic from livejournal or dreamwidth, here .
My fic recs are updated regularly on DW and only quarterly on Tumblr. With that in mind, link to this possibly outdated reclist on Tumblr here
Last updated 1/1/2022. Let 's get started! 🤗 ❤️

Wyoming series by aceofhearts61 (AO3). Rated PG-13, queerplatonic Sam+Dean, 78k. Summary: Sam, Dean, and Castiel have retired from hunting and live together in Wyoming. They're happy.
my thoughts: This fic is in my GOAT spn fics . It is like the curtain fic to end all curtain fics for me... and I've read and loved a ton of curtain fics. And I genuinely want to get married or have a home in Wyoming now because of this damn series, lol. Traumatized!Sam is harrowing. He gets a service dog tho!

The Only Twenty-Four-Hour Bookstore in Brooklyn by tsukinobara, rated NC-17, Jared/Jensen, 38k. Summary: Jared is the proprietor of The Moose and Mayhem, New York City's only twenty-four-hour bookstore. It takes up most of his brain but he loves it – the employees, the customers, the shelves and shelves of books. Jensen is co-owner of Two Brothers Bar, Red Hook's finest purveyor of bourbon, beer, and country bands. It takes up increasing amounts of his time but he loves it – the bartenders, the customers, even line-dance nights. Jared's weird year begins on No-Pants Day with the unusual presence of people riding the subway in their underwear in January. Jensen's weird year begins with an impulse to cross the river into Manhattan at three in the morning to see if the tall Texan guy he met a week ago is as cute as he remembers. But neither of them is expecting the challenging year that follows, and they'll need the things about New York that keep them sane to help them survive it.
my thoughts: This fic was utterly, absolutely unparalleled in charm. Like just such a relaxing, sweet, wholesome read combined with equally amazing artwork from petite madame. Genuinely wanted to either work in a bookstore or live in NYC after reading this, lol. This fic is also rec 'd in my mundane AUs reclist

Summer Film Festival of Death by OldToadWoman. NC-17, Sam/Dean, 127k words. Summary: Sam's point of view as he and Dean go on a hunt at a Florida movie theater where a person has died at every Saturday matinee for a month. They are short on clues leaving them an excessive amount of time to watch movies and drink booze and there's nothing to distract Sam from his increasingly inappropriate thoughts about his brother.(Per the prompt, this fic contains spilled popcorn and Winchesters clinging together watching a scary movie. As a bonus, this fic also contains Winchesters in various stages of dress and undress in the Florida heat. "Your un-flannelled Kansas ass needs sunscreen.")
my thoughts: This fic is in my top favorite spn fics of all time . season 11 setting, Sam and Dean as mature consenting adults, sweet loving huggy cuddly slow burn romance during an interesting/quirky case of movie-based murders, brilliant atmospheric detail (muggy Florida, outrun movie theater aesthetics, hot motel rooms). I am SO HAPPY to have found this fic. One of the best I 've read in awhile. And so long! 127k WOO! Also yay fake/pretend relationship trope!