SPN reclist: They Get Pets!
Oh boy whenever Sam n Dean get pets it 's just the best, y 'all. This reclist includes both regular animals and pet hellhounds
Let 's get started! 🤗 ❤️
Category: Gen
Hope by nblaque-impala. Rated PG, Gen, 4k words. Summary: After Sam gets out of hell, Sam finds hope in a little shelter puppy.
my thoughts: I 've been really enjoying nblaque-impala 's fics. The author 's also on AO3 as NixBlaque but the awesome fics I rec below haven 't been posted there. For this fic in particular Sam gets a dog after cage trauma and it's so insanely SWEET omg y 'all
Gifts by Muffy Morrigan (FF.net). Rated PG, Gen, 90k. Summary: Dean discovers sometimes the greatest sacrifices aren't that big after all, and the smallest gifts can make all the difference. Hurt!Sick Sam
my thoughts: This fic is included in my top all time favorite fics . If you were looking for some of the most wholesome hurt Sam/comforting Dean, you've come to the right place. This story is charmingly detailed about nearly every element of caring for a loved one with an illness/disability. And it has a happy ending to boot (none of my recs have unhappy endings though to be fair, haha). Also they get a kitten as a little companion animal while he 's rehabbing and it 's adorable
The Space Around Him by Rainylemons. Rated R, Gen, 29k. Summary: Written for the spn_gen_bigbang. Two years ago Sam Winchester went blind after an opportunistic infection ruined his optic nerve. He and Dean have since settled down, but Sam's still struggling to learn the difference between adapting and coping. Fortunately, he has an awesome brother, a therapist, a few exotic dancers, and a canary named Phil to help him out.
my thoughts: for some reason whenever I think of pet fics, I think of "that awesome one where they have a bird" haha. It 's just such a unique pet compared to the plethora of pet cat and dog fics that it stands out. It also stands out because this is an awesome fic with sweet+desperate comfort from Dean at the end. Fantastic curtain fic .
Wyoming series by aceofhearts61 (AO3). Rated PG-13, queerplatonic Sam+Dean, 78k. Summary: Sam, Dean, and Castiel have retired from hunting and live together in Wyoming. They're happy.
my thoughts: This fic is in my all time favorite spn fics reclist . It is like the curtain fic to end all curtain fics for me... and I've read and loved a ton of curtain fics . I genuinely want to get married or have a home in Wyoming now because of this damn series, lol. Traumatized!Sam is harrowing. He gets a service dog tho! This fic was listed in my love letter to location fic recs post.
Fusion 'verse (series) by ratherastory. Rated PG-13, Gen, 112k. Summary: Part of the Fusion 'verse. Sam walks out of hell and finds his way home. From a prompt at the First Time comment-fic meme by the lovely and talented de_nugis: The first time Sam gets that Dean does unreservedly trust him again, coupled with the first time Dean gets that Sam really does want nothing more than he wants to be with Dean.
my thoughts: this curtain fic series is just like one of the most precious depictions of Sam & Dean dealing & healing from, like, everything with each other, their brotherly love finally given the space to knit their wounds. Features permanent disability - Dean 's knee is fused (and gets a service dog!). Also features a traumatized-from-hell Sammy. And they 're both aging into a softer existence, living easier, dropping any self-consciousness to be more affectionate, accepting themselves and each other better. AHHH this fic. I should go reread this fic now...
My Hellhound by CeCe Away (FF.net). Rated PG, Gen, 18k. Summary: Hot breath blew the hair up off his neck. Hellhound. Out of everything in the pit, he hated them the most. Hurt!Sam Heroic!Protective!Dean to the Rescue.
This fic is one of my top favorite spn fics of all time and included in my exploring hell reclist too. One of the most inventive and entertaining depictions of hell I 've read and Sam adopts a pet hellhound. Add a great plot and brotherly love and you 've got a winner in my books.
Terms and Conditions by UnabashedBird. Rated PG-13, Gen, 3.5k. Summary: Sam embraces his powers, but the way he uses them isn 't exactly what the demons had in mind.
This story is in my favorite fics list . It 's the most cathartic fix-it fic ever for Sam fangirls. If you had Sam 's back during seasons 3 & 4 re: getting powers & drinking demon blood like me (as in, I thought it was the right call at the time up until the very end), then you 're going to love this fic. It reverses the "Sam 's-always-wrong" narrative of canon & flips the table, making it clear that if Sam had been more confident in himself & if he 'd never had Dean dragging him down delaying him in taking advantage of his powers (Demon-ish Sam everybody!), everything would 've turned out better than it ever did in canon. Bonus points that Sam gets lots of puppers (pet hellhounds) to love (and who love him back)… and the brothers ' relationship ends on a good note (so smiles all around). For more stories along these lines, check out my demon!dean and demon!sam reclist :)