My fic sweet spots for this trope: the one that 's a demon isn 't actually that bad and has cool demony powers, yay!
this trope is not to be confused with my exploring hell reclist, altho there 's a bit of conceptual overlap here so you might like that reclist in addition to this one
Let 's get started! 🤗 ❤️
- Gen
Terms and Conditions by UnabashedBird (AO3). Rated PG-13, Gen, 3.5k. Summary: Sam embraces his powers, but the way he uses them isn 't exactly what the demons had in mind.
my thoughts: This story is in my favorite fics list . It 's the most cathartic fix-it fic ever for Sam fangirls. If you had Sam 's back during seasons 3 & 4 re: getting powers & drinking demon blood like me (as in, I thought it was the right call at the time up until the very end), then you 're going to love this fic. It reverses the "Sam 's-always-wrong" narrative of canon & flips the table, making it clear that if Sam had been more confident in himself & if he 'd never had Dean dragging him down delaying him in taking advantage of his powers, everything would 've turned out better than it ever did in canon. Bonus points that Sam gets lots of puppers ( pet hellhounds ) to love (and who love him back)… and the brothers ' relationship ends on a good note (so smiles all around). This story is also in my hell exploration reclistUnchangeable by HunterPeverell. Rated PG-13, Gen, 80k. Summary: Something happened to Sam. Something magical. When he woke up the day after Dean became a demon, it was to the year 2008 . . . the day Dean got out of Hell. How will Sam's attempts to fix this time work out? Who sent him? And how can this help Sam with his own demonic brother in their time?
Canon divergences that still continue along the same general canon plot points and timeline aren't super my thing, but I love demon!dean. The Obeisance of Memory by rockpaperscissor (fanfiction.net/s/4822628) is great and does a similar canon-divergent thing (only with amnesia). This fic 's also featured in my time travel and alternate seasons 4 & 5 reclistsAecoris ' Demon Dean Series (AO3). Rated PG-13, Gen, 527k words. Summary: AU to season 4. DemonDean. Dean clawed his way out of Hell as a demon intent on stopping the apocalypse and the plans for his brother. Sam refuses to believe that this creature is Dean. They'll have to trust each other and work together in order to stop the end of the world.
my thoughts: I distinctly remember the beginning of this story because it hooked me so quickly: Dean came back from hell having learned the seasons 4+5 grand plans that he didn 't in canon and so his goals (as the incorrigible demon that Dean would of course be) are to thwart both heaven and hell before it 's too late. It's riveting, and iirc the slow burn development of Sam+Dean 's brotherhood is the lovely emotional heart of their journey in this fic. This fic and Fortress by glasslogic (at the bottom) have similar premises and they 're both fantastic. - Wincest
Catching Hell series by ADeedWithoutaName. Rated R, Sam/Dean (unrelated), 244k. Summary: Sam Winchester is, perhaps, the greatest asset to the hunting community. His research, advice, and insight has reached countless hunters and solved innumerable mysteries. His life is solitary, but useful. That changes, however, with the delivery of a captured Knight of Hell who calls himself Dean.
my thoughts: This story is in my favorite fics list . One of the best demon!Dean stories ever in my opinion. I 'm a sucker for Sam as a lonely researcher in a dystopic AU (in which case, the obvious next fic to read would be Treasure by sonofabiscuit77 listed in my Zombie AUs reclist). The first story builds a rich world and a sympathetic, solitary Sam Winchester who clearly needs someone to love him. I can 't wait to read the sequel when it 's finishedFortress series by glasslogic (AO3). Rated NC-17, Sam/Dean, 225k words. Summary: Seven years ago Dean Winchester paid his due to the Crossroads Demon and fell into Hell. Grief almost killed Sam, a demon blood addiction came closer, but he rid himself of demonic attachments and spent years building himself a prison where no demon can set foot, determined to take himself out of the apocalyptic game that had crushed his family. But each year on Earth is an eternity in Hell, and now Dean is back. Angry, powerful, and demonic; he has a plan to wreck vengeance on those who destroyed his life. A plan that will shake the foundations of the Pit and send shock-waves into Heaven. Dragging a reluctant Sam in his wake, will Dean manage to pull it off before the combined legions of Hell get their act together enough to stop him
my thoughts: A super well-written, dark version of Demon!Dean where his ‘evil ' nature and his ‘good ' goals (and kind of amoral adoration of Sam) are balanced. It was satisfying to read Demon!Dean saving Sam from Ruby but warning there 's a lot of rape-or-die to that whole thing. Not a lot of tender shmoop but I really enjoyed this story. Quality, edge-of-your-seat plot progression (using seasons 4 & 5 as a basic road map) - J2
On Frost-Tipped Feathers by cleflink (AO3). Rated PG-13, Jensen/Jared, 19k words. Summary: Jensen is the Keeper of the Birds for the powerful trade city of Kerak. His life is entirely given over to his duty, until the day he stumbles over a secret hidden deep below the City Palace that has the power to destroy the entire country and will change his life forever.An ice demon.
my thoughts: Sam's an ice demon! Fuck yeah! But also hurt and needs Dean to help him out. This is a pretty bizarre AU, a great solid world build, and I really enjoyed reading it!