My Favorite Spideypool Fanfics
My spideypool fanfic sweet spots: hurt peter and comforting wade, different-but-equal power dynamics, dark!fic, weird or bizarre AUsLet 's get started! 🤗 ❤️
You’ve Got a Fire in Your Belly by I_want_to_believe. Spideypool, Mature, 40k words. Summary: After a particularly cold night, Peter Parker finds himself seeking a warm meal from the local soup kitchen. He is shocked to find that the person serving him is none other than his patrol buddy, Deadpool. But why is Deadpool here and what does he want from an unmasked Peter Parker?
Also known as: The One Where Peter is Homeless.
Now Complete. Thank you so much for reading!
The Peter whump was fantastic in this, and the hurt/comfort and cuddles from Wade matched so well. The angst and identity reveal suspense was played into their romance so well. Excellent story full of sustained oxytocin hits.
I Like Birds by chinashopbull. Spideypool, 200k words, Explicit. Summary: Deadpool does a better job understanding Spider-Man's strengths and limitations as an autistic super than pretty much anyone else does. This doesn't stop Peter from getting involved with a cult while investigting a series of suicide bombers. He's just that much of a disaster, autistic or not. I play fast and loose with canon but try to stay true to (what I perceive to be) the spirit of the characters.
First, just want to say the Avengers portrayed as more gray and untrustworthy than their press would have you believe is a favorite take of mine and I loved to see it here. Most importantly though: autistic!Peter is such a compelling character. The author merged Peter's powers with his autism to craft some emotional punches that I did not see coming which I adored. Peter's stress response to go sticky without releasing, and also wanting to be a weighted blanket for Wade. SO GOOD. The inclusion of sign language was the best too; just the whole idea that Wade and Peter have put the effort in to understand each other better than anyone 🥰🥰🥰 Homeless!Peter exists in this story, which is always harrowing to read (in the best way). I'm ace so I skimmed it but I'm pretty sure the author totally delivered on smokin' hot powerplay-y sex scenes. As with pretty much all the stories I love and recommend, a fantastic calm + happy ending with everything and everyone coming together well.
this is the life by jilliancares. Spideypool, Explicit, 38k. Summary: An up-and-coming masked hero is revealed to be a serial killer, and the public is terrified. Everyone's demanding that Spider-Man reveal his identity for their own safety, and as if that isn't enough, Deadpool is hired to make sure it happens. Peter's stressed enough as it is with work and rent and school and a new super villain cropping up — he just doesn't have time for this. He especially doesn't have time for Deadpool accosting Peter Parker, wanting Spider-Man's photographer to help track down the elusive hero. Or: Everything seems to be going wrong all at once.
It's a miracle Peter hasn't had a breakdown.
Excellent identity reveal angst fic. I also loved how scary and intelligent Deadpool was depicted, how Peter wasn't underestimating him ever. The author made the identity reveal build up so much that it was so fun to read the actual scene. So happy to have read this fic 🥰
we're on a highway to hell (with a little bit of heaven) by dabblingwithwords. Rated R, 118k. Summary: Hydra has had Peter in their custody for three years. Deadpool is hired to break him out. Throw in an alien symbiote, motels, and superhero explosions and things get gay.
my thoughts: My favorite fic I've read so far. I'm such a sucker for hurt/comfort and this fic has it (for both Wade & Peter) paired with awesome action to boot.
Dead Men Walking by doctorestranged
. Rated NC-17, 167k. Summary: When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret 's to get intel on Tony Stark 's prime suspect: Deadpool. Except, Peter is horrible at lying and this seems like a dreadful idea. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter 's life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that.
my thoughts: I love undercover tropes and this fic delivers. It's super rewarding to read Peter's revelations about Wade as he learns more about him. The immediate tentative-yet-mutual attraction is good for establishing an equal footing between them while still being able to play around with the age & size differences. And finally, these stories have really fantastic mysteries to them that keep upping the stakes (and opportunities for hurt/comfort, as well as riveting character development) for our not-at-all-ambiguously-gay hero & anti-hero duo! The sequels are great too!
Dissonance by stuckybarnes. Rated R, 111k. Summary: The shots ring closer to him, and the figure above him ducks his head in the crook of Peter 's shoulder, using his forearms to cover his head, his body straddling Peter 's tightly. He resists the urge to use his strength and push the larger man off, partly because, if he didn't know better, these assassins were trying to shoot at him.
my thoughts: Really awesome slow burn and super fun drama coming out of Peter's desperate attempts to keep his identity as Spider-man a secret. While the fic is currently under revision & reading it features pockets of 1st & 3rd person fighting, I was shocked to discover it's actually not even that big of a deal & it was pretty easy to overlook given how interesting the story was.
Deluge by Macx. Rated R, 100k. Summary: Weapon X chose Wade Wilson because of several factors in his life. He was a preternatural. He had extraordinary abilities that could be expanded upon. The cancer just made him desperate enough to agree to whatever they wanted to do with him. They didn't just turn him immortal. They destroyed his very soul, tearing him apart and shaping him into something new and never seen before. They took everything he had been and left him with ashes and bones. Soulless. He killed his creators and went on with his life. Then he met Spider-Man. Things started to change. Something inside him, something that had come out of the ashes and was a nightmarish, terrible thing, sat up and took notice. An intense, single-minded notice.
my thoughts: I read through this one quickly for how fun & interesting this altered universe was: with hellhounds and then however the new 'creature' inside Wade (kind of like Peter's symbiote from the fic 'highway to hell') develops with Wade - a really deep soulmatey connection to Peter Parker that even gives* him *powers. It's a really entertaining read :)
This fic was included in my multifandom monster fuckers reclist.
Jurassic Marvels by Dawnwolf17. Rated PG-13, 55k. Summary: When Peter accepted a job offer in the new Jurassic Park, he was not expecting to be thrown to the Raptors. Nor was he expecting to like them so much. A Jurassic world crossover where Peter is pretty much Owen Brady and the Raptors are lovable puppies that Peter loves. And Wade is a raptor. But there's a human Wade too. It's better then it sounds I promise.
my thoughts: What did I just read?!? lol This was completely adorable. Definitely more like reading a tooth-rottingly sweet 'a boy and his raptor' story with a tiny bit of spideypool included towards the end, but I was definitely still into it!
Untethered by Vixen13. Rated NC-17, 140k. Summary: Lord Peter Parker is the last of his family's line. He lost everything to the war when he was only a child and has been raised in the care of the palace ever since, leaving the other nobles to look at him as nothing more than a burden on the king's charity. When the leader of the reclusive nation of dragons, Chief Wade Wilson, came before the king to demand payment in the form of a wife, the nobles saw a perfect opportunity to solve two problems at once. Peter had his money, land, family, and now his nation taken from him. Moving forward, all he can do is hope that he will survive in a world so drastically different from, and far more dangerous than, the one he's always known.
my thoughts: I read this summary with some wariness for dubcon, a tag I generally don't appreciate in my fics, but this story kept out of that territory well enough for me. Peter's framed as educated and reserved alongside an emotionally vulnerable & affectionate yet the worthiest fighter ever, Wade. And I fucking love Dragon AUs, lol. Really entertaining love story that kept giving you new interesting challenges, something important for a 140k+ fic!
Off the Record by by crookedswingset. 138k words,
NC-17, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson. Summary: Peter Parker is a corporate lackey whose sole job is to root out problem executives who waste Oscorp 's money and time. Wade Wilson is a reserve Avenger on the hunt for a prize even Iron Man couldn 't nail down: the real identity of everyone 's favorite webhead. Too bad most people think Spider-Man is Harry Osborn.
my thoughts: THIS FIC WAS UNPUTDOWNABLE. Holy moly, where do I start.The super chill and sweet elevator meet-cute (Peter 's in his late-twenties in this fic), the identity reveal angst threaded EXPERTLY throughout the whole fic, the hugs and cuddles and quality sex scenes, and then the majority of this fic taking you on a plotty roller coaster of action and whump and the best kind of hurt/comfort a girl could want. The angst was absolutely delicious in here too. At one point the amount of agonizing pummeling Peter suffers (but still manages to be so admiringly noble) from friends and enemies alike kinda tugged me in the same way Lagavulin and Guinness by Snarfle did to me with Eggsy (the most epic Kingsman fic ever; I talk about it more in my Hartwin reclist ). AHHH so good. I can 't even! I just read the sequel, Behind Closed Doors , and it was fantastic as well. I am such a sucker for undercover plotlines, and the way Wade and Peter manage to reunite AHHHH it was really fantastic writing.
Whether By Accident Or By Design by crookedswingset. 189k words, Explicit, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson. Summary: Peter is about to graduate college and become an officially licensed Pro Hero. Too bad he 's already burnt out. Years of operating as an illegal vigilante with a supposedly subpar Quirk will do that to you. But just as he 's about to quit altogether, he meets actual Pro Hero Deadpool, a reformed villain who works hard to make sure others don 't follow in his footsteps. The thing is? Wade 's just as jaded as he is, and he has completely given up on making things better.
As their relationship deepens, Peter realizes he is not quite ready to give up on being a Pro Hero, a resolve that is tested when a new Pro Hero agency comes to town and takes over. The so-called "Guard" is a group of four eight-foot men with eerily similar Quirks—and they have no intention of making nice with New York City 's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
my thoughts: I *loved* how long this fic was, and how interesting and well done the worldbuild and plotting was. Excellent action and the angst and hurt was full of heart. I would 've loved a little more comfort but I 'm just a comfort junkie don 't mind me. This was a fantastic fic all around.
My Boyfriend's a Murderbot by Fredegund. Spideypool, Explicit, 55k words. Summary: Wade Winston Wilson is ugly. His skin's inside out. It ripples and moves every second of every day, at constant war with the cancer. Vanessa put on a brave face for him when she first saw the changes, but it turns out even she can't stomach the sight for long. He's ugly and alone and nothing will ever be good in life again -
If only that were his only problem.
But Weapon X is at it again, under crisp new management, turning orphans into super slaves and bringing out the big guns to make sure nobody interferes this go around (namely one Pool comma Dead). So now, not only is Wade alone and ugly forever, but he's got a bit of a pest problem in the form of a black-clad murder-happy man spider with a collar around his neck and an unhealthy obsession with tying Deadpool up.
So maybe it's not all bad...
My thoughts: Excellent fic! I LOVED the buildup of Wade meeting Spidey. I loved the edge of vulnerable and feral the author kept Spidey on for awhile. I also appreciated how Spidey was more *Spidery*! He has extra limbs & googly black reflecting spider eyes?! F yeah that's so gnarly it's 100% awesome!!! This fic was included in my multifandom monster fuckers reclist.
Paradise (spread out like a knife) by Sarah_Sandwich. Teen+, Spideypool, 72k. Summary: He sighs from where he 's prone, arms akimbo, and roof gravel digging into his spine. "I lost my job. My… other job. The one that actually pays the bills."
He doesn 't want to dwell on why he 's telling Deadpool of all people. Surely it has nothing to do with his desperate lack of friends. MJ is in California chasing her dreams, Harry 's undergoing treatment for his mental health and isn 't allowed visitors (not that it matters since they blacklisted Peter after last time), and Gwen… Well.
And it 's not like he can talk to Aunt May without her worrying about him starving to death under a bridge or something so… Deadpool it is. Man, when did his life get this pathetic?
OR: The one where Peter and Wade are literal soulmates but don't realize it for literal years because they're literal idiots.
My thoughts: I loved this slow burn spideypool fic. Featured so many sweet moments that kept building Wade's and Peter's intimacy levels, it was such a joy to read. I also love when Peter/Spidey defends Wade/Deadpool to the Avengers or whoever else. It's a favorite trope of mine in spideypool fic for sure 🥰
I Ain't No Calming Goat! by X_Gon_Give_It. Mature, Spideypool, 47k. Summary: There's a man sitting in the corner of the room. Peter's vision is still mottled, but he can make out grey pants similar to the one he's wearing. His roomie is wearing a white shirt and it takes several blinks to realize it's a straitjacket.
That's never a good sign.
The man cocked his head to the side, hairless eyebrows quirking. When Peter inhales, the stench of pain is acrid in his nose. His eyes are hard and angry when they meet Peter's.
"And who are you supposed to be? They're actually giving me roommates again? Nice try, Francie!" he yelled this toward the door, "But I'm not buying it. Give 'im to someone else."
Or the one where Peter is kidnapped by Weapon X and he shares a cell with Deadpool.
My thoughts: This was a really interesting read. Peter's an omega that gets pissed off & violent & prefers to be big spoon. Wade's respectful and gentle alpha and prefers little spoon. The torture & sexual assault elements weren't that heart-wrenching because the author focuses more on the aftermath where Peter thinks about it and hates it/gets pissed off about it instead of dwelling in psychological devastation & needing comfort. Depending on the reader that can be a really great trait in a story. Towards the end the author gives us some great cuddles and I was a very happy camper