SPN Reclist: Soul Stuff.
Specifically: soul-touching, soul-healing & soulmates.
Souls really get around in Supernatural canon and fanon. They get touched, lost, mated, flayed, healed, burnt off, restored, and the list goes on. Here are all my favorite fics that examine and creatively explore just what can be done with souls. And of course as always, a head 's up that as Sam is my fictional everything, most of these are about Sam 's (or Sam & Dean 's) soul(s).
I 've recommended fics that feature souls traveling to other realms or getting transformed, my exploring hell fic reclist and my deified!Sam & Dean reclist , respectively.
Let 's get started! 🤗 ❤️
- Gen
Spirital Remedy by AceofHearts61. Teen, Gen/Other, 2k words. Summary: To prove that Dean isn't dead inside and to bring him healing, Castiel connects the Winchester brothers to love at the soul level.
My thoughts: Castiel orchestrates some soul-healing cuddles between Sam and Dean. I can’t get enough of AceofHearts61′s fic. This was just magnificent.Keeper of Souls by CeCe Away. Rated G, Gen, 5k words . Summary: Season 6 "Wouldn't want any careless infections to drag you back before you get your soul free and clear."
my thoughts: THIS FIC! This fic was so warm and metaphysical and (bro)loving, short and sweet and AH. I deeply appreciated the detail that ‘redeemed souls ' are ‘worth more ' (or rarer & thus more valuable? I forget. Something like this) than totally untainted ones. Go read it. It also occurs to me how much I love soul-touching 😂 [Soul-touching]
The Born for Each Other series by aceofhearts61. Rated Teen+, Gen, 17k words. Summary: In which Sam and Dean's relationship heals and strengthens in the aftermath of Sam getting his soul back.
my thoughts: this is one of the most amazing queerplatonic/gencest soulmate semi-curtain fic series ever. I love this author SO MUCH y 'all, my goodness. My favorite story in this series is The Only Cure is Nirvana where Cas has Dean and Sam lie on the floor cuddling and they get transported to a souls-only plane of existence for healing at the soul level. WHAT. I 'm not kidding it 's amazing. Go read it. This author also wrote a little 2k fic called The Gentleness of Home that 's totally worth reading as a delicious platonic soulmate snack. [Soul-healing]
Sounds Like Truth and Feels Like Courage by sprinkles888, art by quickreaver. Rated Teen and up, Gen, 30k words. Summary: Turns out that the Men of Letters had a way to perform magic on the regular without the messiness of witchcraft. All they need for it is a pair of soulmates, a couple of rings from the bunker, and a willingness to spend time platonically touching. And, well, the Winchesters are already sitting at two out of three…(In which Sam and Dean cuddle, spend time being emotionally vulnerable, mend relationships, learn just how powerful their souls are, find power in memories, watch way too much Netflix, and become targets of an organized group of monsters set on killing them.)
my thoughts: Amazing gencest fic (written for the gencest bang, right on!). Sam and Dean find a way to harness the energy of their soulmate-ness & use magic. To charge it, physical touch is the fuel. Add in some great hunts & action, this story is just so good! And big credits to the lovely artwork that reflects how sweet and soft this fic is by quickreaver. Sidenote to my fellow adults: if you liked the cursed object aspect of this and you can roll with explicit wincest, I recommend OldToadWoman's fic Suave & Complicated . [Soulmates]
- Wincest
Further and Further Out by Cottonmouth. Rated R, Sam/Dean, 42k words. Summary: John never disappeared before the pilot episode, so Dean never went to Stanford to find Sam. Two months later and they discover the demon went after Sam after all… Alternate Reality, graphic wincest in later chapters
my thoughts: Psychic!catatonic!Sam & devoted!stubborn!Dean finding him and taking care of him?! Uh YES PLEASE. There 's a scene of metaphysical energy that totally reminds me of some of aceofhearts61s ' fic and I loved it! [Soul-healing]
Sure Got a Dirty Mouth by JustineDelarge (AO3). Rated NC-17, Sam/Dean, 374k.Summary: This is NOT just a smutty story. This explains why Wincest is beautiful, loving, and right. Ever wonder how Dean started talking dirty? The genesis is in the way Sam and Dean allow their feelings for each other to become physical. Sam is nearly 17, Dean is nearly 21.This story has dirty talk, all the feels you can handle, infinite love, well-developed original characters, and a rich plot that develops into a nail-biting narrative, with the best kind of hurt/comfort. SPOILERS for seasons 1-6.
my thoughts: Justine Delarge went shamelessly all-in with some very taboo content with this fic, going so far as to make it clear that God explicitly wanted Sam and Dean together romantically as soulmates. Pretty ballsy stuff. Also a lot of well-written porn. Also villainous John Winchester was great. But really that other part of the story's summary is where Justine got me: "a rich plot that develops into a nail-biting narrative" because she's not lying - it really is. I remember being semi-disappointed this was a WIP but it's not the end of the world. I recommend reading it despite its incomplete status. I also want to credit this story for introducing the concept of a hunter 's sanctuary motel and I 've never been the same since, lol. I 'm in love with that idea and I will never not be in love with that idea. [Soulmates]Afterimage by paleogymnast. Rated NC-17, Sam/Dean, 27k words. Summary: "If you had it to do over again, and you could change everything, would you?" When all appears lost, Dean Winchester—battered, weary, guilty, and alone—is given the opportunity to travel back in time and live his life over again with the promise that if he makes the one choice he was too afraid to make before, he will be able to change the future, and avoid the loss of everyone he ever loved and everything he fought for. But how? After all, he knows time can 't be changed… But with the help of a mysterious entity, who may or may not be the actual God of Time, Dean discovers time can be rewritten. Armed only with the ghosts of memories from his former life—afterimages of rewritten time—but not really understanding the gift he 's been given, the new Dean, an impossibly young 27-year-old hunter, once again turns to his estranged brother when their father goes missing. But when he takes a chance on forbidden love, will it be the key to saving the universe and averting the apocalypse, or will it only bring about the end even faster
my thoughts: Holy crap this author 's writing hijacked me the last week of October while I was still trying to churn out a lot of written work). I absolutely loved this story, loved how Dean pressured himself to admit his feelings for Sam during Bugs, how the author described/framed Sam & Dean 's relationship, and plot-wise how information on seasons 4 & 5 filtered into seasons 1-2ish Sam/Dean. It filled me with so much hope & happiness to imagine them besting their destinies like this with the help of Kronos. Also I'm such a sucker for soulmate tropes & loved how paleogymnast let Bobby and Missouri be cool about Sam/Dean. This fic is also rec 'd in my time travel reclist and alt seasons 4 & 5 reclist [Soulmates]
- J2
Familiar - (The Tale Of A Mage And His Cat) by Merenwen76, art/illustrations by amberdreams. Jared/Jensen, Teen+, 30k words. Summary: Since he was a little boy, Jared has only one wish; to become a magician like his father and brother. Although Jared is extremely talented, his familiar - his soulmate - must find him to pass the exam. When it almost seems that Jared can never become a true magician, a tabby tomcat enters his life and turns it upside down. But what is the secret behind the tomcat with the most beautiful green eyes?
my thoughts: The Jared angst actually got me emotional in this one for a little bit, I was not expecting that! hahaha. Wow though, this was such a great story, such a satisfying read. Jared's mean family, the kind mage teacher at school (also Jared's lovely uncle and his store), the elusive Familiar (the anticipation buuuuuilds!). Jared's cool talents as a mage and there's some bits about his inherent goodness/oneness with nature that's so cool, cat!Jensen and his own unique power(s) & then this fantastic action-y ending. YES! I was so happy with this fic 😊🥰️ ALSO shoutout to the lovely amberdreams for their artwork in this fic. It was so innocent and nostalgic, almost. Like an adorable children 's book romance. 🥰️ 🥰️ 🥰️ This fic was included in my 2020 Variety Pack reclist on tumblr and animal transformation reclist [Soulmates]