Probation Period's Over, Gentlebeard, Teen+, 7k words. Summary:
"We didn't mutiny. He retired," Stede said, voice firm.
"If he hadn't," Humphrey suddenly jumped in and took a few steps towards them. "If he hadn't retired," the lieutenant winked and Stede grimaced with distaste, "and instead you kept Blackbeard for a little payback before you handed him over for your reward..."
"Oh," Stede breathed, disturbed, "That's not-"
"All we would ask of you, is to trade 500 doubloons for a night with him on our ship."


Revenge, Gentlebeard, Mature, 5k words. Summary: "Remember he just beat us down? Just- just ground us down into nothing?" - "Oh, I remember. I was there. He treated us like dogs. Worse than dogs!"

Surrender, Gentlebeard. Teen. 2k words. Summary: "Surrender." Stede's words were even and firm. He was at the helm facing Blackbeard. Their swords were unsheathed but only half-raised, as though neither of them could really threaten each other.

Howlin' For You, 1.7k, Teen, Gentlebeard. Summary: "I decided it was time to off the great Blackbeard," Calico Jack announced, getting up to stand over Ed as he pulled his gun out from his waistband. "Or whatever's left of him, really. Blackbeard left the building when you met Stede." Whumptober 2022 😆🎃👻🥂
Prompts filled: No. 3 Gun to Temple // No. 21 Take Me Instead // No. 23 Forced to Kneel

Trust, 2.6k, Teen, Gentlebeard. Summary: "If this was her chance to see behind the curtain, she was going to take it. She deserved some answers. She was entitled to them. And Jim wasn't going to stop her. Jim had seen Blackbeard when he'd been Ed, with Stede. But for Archie, this was all some brand new bullshit. She wasn't even sure she bought it."
Season 2 Episode 3 Spoilers. It's not an episode tag though - it just keeps the canon that's been established so far.