Fanfiction Masterpost
I write a lot of hurt/comfort! I just tear my favorite characters apart until they can do nothing but shamelessly hug and cuddle each other to heal their souls (like one does). I flex my worldbuilding skills every once in awhile to conjure those things up. It doesn't hurt that I love zombies, apocalypses, anything harrowing, dark, brutalist 🥂
"You don't need another human being to make your life complete, but let's be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn't see them as disasters in your soul but cracks to put their love into is the most calming thing in this world." ~ Emery Allen
All the links in every rec list web page (and my fic masterpost) should be scrapable by Calibre's FanficFare "Get Story URLs from Web Page" option for bulk downloading. Nice.
My transformative works permissions: please feel free to translate, print+bind, podfic, remix, and/or create related fanart or fanvids for any of my works. Also totally fine to pen anything inside the universes I've written, or anything loosely based on/inspired by my fic. If you do any of these things, please send me a link (or on AO3, check the "this work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work" thing) so I can see it, go all heart-eyes over it, and link back to it. ❤ I'm listed on FPS for this too
- Good Omens
I don't know where else to put my fandom-specific writing resources right now so I'm going to put them here-? Let's do it.
Aprilodite's Ineffable Timeline on tumblr. This user's tumblr is silo'd - they never enabled a blog template - so you have to either be logged in or have some "F*ck Overlays" type of extension or userscript to see it.Even As A Demon, AziraCrow, teen & up, 6k words. Summary: Crowley worked so hard to steer away from thinking about Aziraphale and then whenever anything weird or distressing came up, the angel would pop back into his head like he'd never left.
And this definitely qualified as distressing. - Sandman
what wound did ever heal (but by degrees?), gen/pre-dreamling, teen & up, 5k words. Summary: The Magdalene Grimoire, in the possession of a true worker of magicks, still had the keys to summon and trap an Endless. 11/8/22 update : I've stealth edited this fic so many times that it's a new read.
An Intergalactic Manhunt for a Mass Murderer. Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles, G, 4k words. Summary: Jared remembered Jeff's words as they'd prepped in the van. "Know that there is a slight chance the Independents might have figured out we were watching and arranged this. They might be out there right now planning an extraction." Everybody stopped and looked up at him. "Don't let them," Jeff ordered.
We Don't Share Well. Mishalecki, NC-17, 9k words. Summary: Jared, a ballet teacher, and Misha, a yoga instructor, mix about as well as oil and water. Lucky they rarely have much to do with each other at the Morgan Fitness and Wellness Center, as Jared's studio is on the first floor and Misha's is upstairs. Their luck runs out when the Morgans schedule second floor renovations that'll last for three months in the fall, forcing Jared to share his studio with the impossible yogi. Reverse Bang 2018. Artwork by emmatheslayer!
- Murderbot
ExSec Tree. Work in Progress. ART/Murderbot or Art&Murderbot, nonsexual, noncorporeal romantic AIs, rated Teen+, 3k+ words. Summary: It wasn't as satisfying as Murderbot thought it would be, watching every detail of Gurathin's face as realization dawned they were completely fucked.
- Yuri!!! On Ice
Take Me Home. Gen, Yuuri/Victor, G, 2k words. Summary: This wasn't like Detroit. He hadn't had everything he'd ever wanted at stake in Detroit. Yuuri's having a rough time settling into Saint Petersburg. Victor's there for him.
This Isn't Logan's Run, Victor. Gen, Yuuri/Victor, G, 4k words. Summary: Victor's gotten off to a rough start, returning to the ice after a year of eating whatever, traveling the world, and falling in love. Guess who's there for him.
- Fannish Original Works
Curating Your Online Fandom Experience, a small artsy essay
Essays on SPN (on tumblr right now) : feature the (very few) SPN fannish hills I'll die on
OFMD Archives : interviews/panels + summaries, significant news, notable behind-the-scenes